"It has been a really big difference with how I treat my kids." – watch the full video feedback here.
Coming to Parent Gym was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The content of the course was spot on. As a parent there are always things to learn or be reminded of, and to me that is exactly what Parent Gym is about- it gave me the tools to make life easier. Now when I want to implement a rule or find an activity to do with him I consult my Parent Gym Magazines. To all parents who are thinking of joining please do as it's very rewarding. I cannot believe I completed the course with an 11 week old baby in tow- that's how comfortable and inclusive Parent Gym was. And now, even though the course is finished, the group still meets. Thank you all for putting together such a wonderful programme.
My children are 6 and 8 so I have also had some problems with sibling rivalry, but Parent Gym has helped me to make a discipline system, so that they always know what will happen when they fight. I now also make sure that I spend a specific amount of alone time with each child, so that they both feel important and it has really helped to stop with their fighting and make the house a much calmer place.
I really enjoyed the sessions and these changed a lot of what I did before….. I shouted, I didn’t listen to my children and there was a lot wrong in our house. My son refused to do his homework. Now I am less stressed, my son does his homework on time, my daughter plays with her brother which never happened before. I am so proud of what we have achieved and so happy.
Getting my kids to eat vegetables had always been a struggle, but I learnt to be more persistent with things than I had been before. Usually if my son didn't like something, I just wouldn't give it to him but I got the idea of consistently putting it on his plate every meal time and eventually it worked. He realised that vegetables are not all bad and is now happily eating carrots!