Talking and listening to your child in a positive way every day
Getting the right balance of closeness and independence
Bring calm to your family with rules and routines that work
Keep yourself and your family healthy and happy
Help develop healthy learning habits with your child
Keep your family feeling happy, supported and loved
Coming to Parent Gym was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The content of the course was spot on. As a parent there are always things to learn or be reminded of, and to me that is exactly what Parent Gym is about- it gave me the tools to make life easier. Now when I want to implement a rule or find an activity to do with him I consult my Parent Gym Magazines. To all parents who are thinking of joining please do as it's very rewarding. I cannot believe I completed the course with an 11 week old baby in tow- that's how comfortable and inclusive Parent Gym was. And now, even though the course is finished, the group still meets. Thank you all for putting together such a wonderful programme.
I loved the sessions, the impact and reaction from parents as they shared their experiences - and there were some real breakthrough moments when parents supported each other, displayed deep levels of empathy and made each other believe that their parenting challenges and struggles were shared and appreciated. During ‘mission feedback’, I was amazed at the effort put in by our parents and the impact on their family life in either small or huge ways. This gave me such pleasure and satisfaction to know that Parent Gym had actually touched someone's home and family life week on week... Parent Gym is a fantastic programme which we will continue to deliver here as part of our commitment to supporting families.
Parenting challenges overcome by free programme
"The group enhanced my skills as a parent and I would definitely recommend it to others."
The Parent Gym programme is delivered in a very warm, supportive and non-judgmental way and provides practical tips and techniques to help family life run more smoothly and help children perform better at school.
Participants reflect on their parenting challenges and successes and much of its benefit lies in the support and advice that parents provide one another. Parent Gym explores how parents' own experience of being parented often affects their own parenting style as well as factors that motivate children to behave in particular ways.
160 Kensington High Street, London W8 7RG UK Telephone: +44 (0)20 7368 5698 Email:
Schools and children's centres - Want to host one of our volunteer coaches, or train a member of your staff to run Parent Gym in-house?
Parents - Want to introduce Parent Gym to your child’s school, or become a Parent Gym volunteer?
Companies - Want to host Parent Gym in your workplace?